Google announced today that they have begun rolling out a new algorithm update to their systems. This algorithm update targets “search spam” and is called the “November Spam Update”. Google expects this rollout to take approximately (1) week to complete.
Google said on Twitter “as part of our regular work to improve results, we’ve released a spam update to our systems. This November 2021 spam update should be fully rolled out within a week. We encourage sites to follow our best practices for Search.”

Google took this time to specifically mention their Google Webmaster Guidelines, which we suggest all website owners read. As always, our SEO Team and our SEO Platform monitors all Google Algorithm changes and takes action to keep our SEO Strategies, for our Automated SEO Plans, up to date.
Tags: astounding designs, automated seo, business seo plans, business web design company, business website design atlanta, business website design company, business website design ri, google Algorithm nov 2021, google Algorithm november 2021, Google Algorithm Update, google Algorithm update november 2021, google seo plans, search engine optimization